Home / F/T10 F/T Station / F/T Station


The F/T Station is a casual place open to everyone to meet and exchange opinions. In addition to ticket sales, information center and archive facilities, talks and related events will be held in the F/T Station, contributing to bridging the artists to the audiences, and the festival to the city.

Information & Ticket Center

The F/T Station is the place to go to achieve the latest information about the festival. In the ticket center, open daily from 12:00-22:00, tickets for each performance can be purchased. Stop by to check out the special benefits available only from the F/T Station!


In this special select shop open during the entire period of the festival, books related to the participating artists, DVDs and CDs are on sale. In addition to the F/T original goods the renowned "F/T 09 Documents" will also be on sale here.


Material related to the artists and performances of the previous and current F/Ts will be available at any time in the F/T Archives. For the performances running in the F/T 10 festival, we will prepare photos and up-to-date reviews.


We recommend the café for a discussion after the shows or for a coffee break during a visit to our archives. In addition the café is planned to host several related events contributing to enlivening the festival.

Event Area

Various related events such as live performances by the artists, post-performance talks and the F/T Stage Review Competition are scheduled to be held in the F/T Station, stimulating exchange and dialogue relating to the F/T performances in specific, and contemporary theatre in general.ary theatre in general.


Performance dates: Oct 30(Sat) - Nov 28(Sun)(TBC)
See F/T website for detailed information regarding events and opening hours



In front of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space
