Conceived and Directed by Jun Kitazawa

An oasis that appears with a Yogyakarta food stall

Through such projects as “NEIGHBOR’S LAND” (2018), in which he recreated the original homes of expatriates from their memories, Jun Kitazawa has pursued a process of fieldwork and collaboration to create new kinds of communities. This project starts with the appearance in the Ikebukuro area of angkringan, a type of food stall common to Yogyakarta, where Kitazawa is based. Functioning as a stall covered with a sheet and found at various locations around the city, the inside of the angkringan is hidden from the outside world. Entering the angkringan, the customer not only buys a drink or refreshments, but also enjoys conversation with the owner and other patrons. In this way, the angkringan is an informal place for spending time without a particular goal. The F/T angkringan stalls appear in various locations with the involvement of the Indonesian community in Japan. They form a place that belongs nowhere, yet is also unique to its location and somewhere we want to go.



11/1 (Fri) – 11/10 (Sun)


Free (no reservation required)

Venue Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (front plaza) and other locations
There are several angkringan stalls in the Ikebukuro Station West Exit area. The locations of the angkringan stalls varies per day. For information on the stall locations, please visit the reception desk in the plaza in front of Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre on the day.

Artist Statement

A nowhere place,

A place nowhere,

Neither place.

But actually, I put myself here.

Simultaneously vague yet exact,

I search for the destination of the body.


Jun Kitazawa

June 15th, 2019

Daily Dialogue

The angkringan stalls serve as places for people to exchange frank conversations about everything from day-to-day life to politics. In Indonesia, they are listening posts; places for sharing rumors or even hearing about Javanese myths. Dispersed here and there around the community, they form a special kind of local media network.

During “NOWHERE OASIS,” a series of informal talks will be held inside with a range of guests, discussing the background to the project as well as the various things that have taken place at the different stalls.

Audiences are encouraged to dress suitably for the weather.
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (front plaza)
No reservation required

Moderator: Jun Kitazawa (artist, director and conceiver of “NOWHERE OASIS”)

Session 1 11/3 (Sun) 18:00–19:00
Guest: Osamu Jareo (choreographer, dancer)
Language: Japanese
Session 2 11/7 (Thu) 18:00–19:00
Guests: members of the angkringan team (Retno Watanabe and more)
Language: Japanese and Indonesian (consecutive interpretation)

Osamu Jareo

Choreographer, Dancer

Osamu Jareo formed a dance group with Misako Terada in 1991. His recent practice has focused on solo work, creating the Totsu Totsu Dance project with elderly people in Maizuru, Kyoto, and Monkey and Mortale, a project based on research he did on evacuees in Yuriage, Miyagi, and appearing and choreographing a film, “Touching the Skin of Eeriness,” directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi. His writings include the book Totsu Totsu Dance at Nursing Homes: Like Dance, Like Nursing Care (Shobunsha). He teaches at the Department of Body Expression and Cinematic Arts in the College of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University.

Artist Profile

Jun Kitazawa


Born in Tokyo in 1988, Jun Kitazawa is an artist based in Yogyakarta. He completed doctoral studies at Tokyo University of the Arts, and is now head of Jun Kitazwa Office Yakumo and director of Studio Belimbing. In his artistic practice, he pursues a process of envisioning possible models of society through fieldwork and then working toward its realization via collaboration with a range of partners. In 2016, he was selected by Forbes Magazines as one of 30 Under 30 Asia in the art category.

Cast & Creative

Conceived and Directed by Jun Kitazawa
Angkringan Team: Retno Watanabe, and others
Collaborators: Kei Namba, Takehiro Go, Eiji Takeda
Project Assistants: Junichiro Endo, Munif Rafi Zuhdi, Annisa Putri Cinderakasih, Anastasia Yuanita
Design: Tadao Kawamura
Interpreter, Translator: Teruri Yamawaki
Photography & Video: Takashi Fujikawa, Hibiki Miyazawa (Alloposidae), Rizky Nur Widyatmaja
Production Coordinators: Mayuko Arakawa, Toshifumi Matsumiya (Festival/Tokyo), Naho Kato (TASKO inc.), Miki Kanai
Interns: Nanami Uematsu, Ryoko Koketsu, Ryo Sugita
In cooperation with Monggo Moro, Art Merdeka, Angkringan 45 Bayat, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta
Endorsed by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Presented by Festival/Tokyo


Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (front plaza)

  • 1-8-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
  • 2 minutes’ walk from West Exit of Ikebukuro Station on JR Line and other lines. (Direct connection to the theatre from Exit 2b.)
