- No.
- Program ID
- 上演年度
- F/T
- プログラム名
- プログラム名(かな)
- Title
- First
- End
- Performance time (minutes)
- 上演言語
- 会場
- 概要
- ウェブサイト(日本語)
- Website (English)
- 関連ページ
- 備考
- アーティスト
- アーティスト(かな)
- Artist
- 出演
- 出演(かな)
- Performer
- スタッフ
- Staff
- その他
- Others
- 記録映像
- 資料備考
- id
- ジャンル
- Theatre
- Dance
- Arts
- Music
- Film
- Performance
- Symposium and Talks
- Workshop
- Education and Outreach
- Research and Development
- Outdoor Performance
- Japan
- Overseas
- Others
Search Method
Free word search by program name, artist name, performer name, etc.; results can be narrowed down by genre and year.
- F/T09 spring
- F/T09 autumn
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
Archiving F/T Database
This database allows you to search for information on Festival/Tokyo 09-20 (2009-2020, 13 editions in total). In addition to the productions presented in each year, the database also includes information on symposiums and workshops, as well as Archiving F/T conducted in FY2021.
What is Festival/Tokyo (F/T)?
F/T was an international performing arts festival held 13 times from 2009 to 2020 in the Ikebukuro area of Tokyo to introduce the appeal of contemporary performing arts from various perspectives and to pursue new possibilities. With a focus on the performing arts, the festival offered 204 programs in theater, dance, music, fine arts, and visual arts by cutting-edge artists from Japan and abroad, attracting a total of 770,000 visitors to related events. The festival has also created a vast nexus of various activities and exchanges, with the intersection of many people and artworks spanning both Japan and abroad.
From 2009 to 2013, Chiaki Soma served as Program Director, and from 2014, Sachio Ichimura served as Director's Committee Representative (Director from 2016); from 2018 to 2020, Kaku Nagashima served as Director and Chika Kawai as Co-Director. (From 2021, a program that inheritedF/T’s philosophy continues at Tokyo Festival.)
After the dissolution of Festival/Tokyo Executive Committee, NPO Art Network Japan, which served as the organizer and office of the festival, manages the materials and copyrights.
Please feel free to link to this Website; NPO Art Network Japan would appreciate being informed of the following:
- Your name (or that of the organisation and person responsible)
- Address and contact telephone number
- Linking website URL
- Purpose of link
- Whether a linking icon is used or not
Database design support: NPO Art & Society Research Center
System construction: Itaru Kobayashi
Production and operation: NPO Art Network Japan